pt. 1. Major areas of treatment
1. Think horses, not zebras
2. Sound mind, sound body: mindbody medicine comes of age
3. Food for thought: dietary supplements, phytonutrients, and hormones
4. Traditional chinese medicine: three thousand years of evolution
5. Acupuncture: from yellow emperor to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
6. Western herbal medicine: nature's green pharmacy
7. Naturopathic medicine: "do no harm"
8. Homeopathy: like cures like
9. Chiropractic: thigh bone connected to the knee bone
10. Ayurvedic medicine and yoga: from Buddha to the millennium
11. Spirituality and healing: as above ... so below
12. CAM insurance: who pays how much to whom for what
13. We're not in Kansas anymore: toward an integrative medicine.
pt. 2. CAM therapies for specific conditions
Attention deficit disorder
Bedwetting (see Enuresis)
Buzzing in the ears (see Tinnitus)
Cardiovascular (Heart) disease and cholesterol
Cirrhosis and alcoholic liver disease
Dementia and/or memory loss
Dental craniomandibular disorder
Ear infection (see Ottis media)
Gastrointestinal (stomach and intestinal disturbances).
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Menstrual symptons, memopause, and PMS
Prostate or prostatic hypertrophy (Prostate enlargement)
Yeast infection (see Vaginitis).