A veto message for FY 2000 District of Columbia, and Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education: message from the President of the United States transmitting a veto message for H.R. 3064 ... and related agencies appropriations bill
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Appropriations and expenditures
United States. -- Department of Education -- Appropriations and expenditures
United States. -- Department of Health and Human Services -- Appropriations and expenditures
United States. -- Department of Labor -- Appropriations and expenditures
Veto -- United States
Washington (D.C.) -- Appropriations and expenditures
United States. -- Department of Education -- Appropriations and expenditures
United States. -- Department of Health and Human Services -- Appropriations and expenditures
United States. -- Department of Labor -- Appropriations and expenditures
Veto -- United States
Washington (D.C.) -- Appropriations and expenditures
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