Madame Ad©♭la©de and Pompadour
Madmae de Pompadour's practices
Pompadour's "cousin" the Empress
Pompadour and three royal ladies
Pompadour as a war minister
Pompadour, the Abb©♭ de Bernis and Choiseul
The duchesses de Choiseul, de Gramont and Julie
The dauphine Marie Josepha
The Comtesse du Barry at court
Jeanne de Valois, Comtesse de Lamotte
Jeanne de Valois and the diamond necklace
Marie Antoinette and her favourites
Marie Antoinette and her amusements
Marie Antoinette and Count Fersen
Marie Antoinette's execution
Madame Roland guillotined
Madame de Sta©±l and the Comte de Narbonne
Madame de Sta©±l and Benjamin Constant
Madame de Sta©±l and Bonaparte
Madame de Sta©±l, "Delphine" and "Corinne"
Madame de Sta©±l and Madame de R©♭camier
Madame de Genlis' liaison with Philippe ©#x89;galit©♭
Madame de Genlis an ©♭migr©♭e