The first relation of Jaques Carthier of S. Malo.
A shorte and briefe narration (Cartier's second voyage)
The third voyage of discovery made by Captaine Jaques Cartier.
The voyage made by M. John Hawkins, esquire, written by John Sparke.
The third troublesome voyage made with the Jesus of Lubec, by J. Hawkins.
The world encompassed by Sir Francis Drake (California)
A report of the voyage of Sir Humfrey Gilbert, knight, by Master Edward Haies.
The first voyage made to the coasts of America, by Captain Arthur Barlowe.
Account of the particularities of the imployments of the Englishmen left in Virginia, by Master Ralph Lane.
A third voyage to Virginia.
The fourth voyage made to Virginia in the yere 1587, by Governor John White.