Uncertain world and the American diplomatic tradition / David P. Forsythe
American public opinion: consensus, cleavage, and constraint, Susan Welch
Interest groups, Congress and American foreign policy / Norman J. Ornstein
In the shadow of substance: presidents as foreign policy makers / Richard W. Cottam, Bert A. Rockman
American security policy: increasing ambiguities / Philip Dyer
Overcoming obstacles to arms control / Leo Sartori, David Rapkin
United States and conventional arms transfers: who gets what and why / William P. Avery
U.S. economic policy: capitalism and confusion / David P. Forsythe
U.S. and the law of the sea / Christopher Joyner
U.S. participation in the United Nations / Leon Gordenker
Human rights: realism, radicalism, and reform / David P. Forsythe
SovietUnion and Eastern Europe: old truths, new myths, permanent realities / Ivan Volgyes
Western Europe: ambiguities and a new grand debate / Raphael Zariski
American policy toward China and Japan: an uncertain future / Michael Baron
Central America: U.S. hegemony in decline / William LeoGrande
Arab-Israeli conflict: an interpretation / James Patrick Sewell
U.S. foreign policy and Iran: a system of reinforced failure / James A. Bill
U.S. policy toward Southern Africa / Louis A. Picard
American foreign policy in an uncertain world / David P. Forsythe.