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- » Learning disabilities sourcebook: basic information about disorders such as dyslexia, visual and auditory processing deficits, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and autism, along with statistical and demographic data, reports on current research initiatives, an explanation of the assessment process, and a special section for adults with learning disabilities
Learning disabilities sourcebook: basic information about disorders such as dyslexia, visual and auditory processing deficits, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and autism, along with statistical and demographic data, reports on current research initiatives, an explanation of the assessment process, and a special section for adults with learning disabilities
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Table of Contents
From the Book
Part I. Introduction to learning disabilities: 1. Understanding learning disabilities (National Institute of Mental Health, NIH Pub. No. 93-3611, Sept. 1993) --
2. Brain development and implications for learning : [synoposes of several important neuroscientific studies] / Steve Wilkins (from "A teacher's guide to the brain," The network exchange, v. 13, no, 1 (1995)) --
3. Research in learning disabilities (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, 1995) --
4. Learning disabilities in the United States : advocacy, science, and the future of the field / Louisa Cook Moats and G. Reid Lyon (from "Learning disabilities in the United States," Journal of learning disabilities, May 1993, v. 26, no. 5, p. 282-294) --
5. Selected Special Education statistics (information taken from To assure the free appropriate public education of all children with disabilities, U.S. Dept. of Education, 1996).
Part II. Assessment: 6. Understanding assessment jargon (excerpted from COPING : Creating Opportunities of Parent Empowerment, April 1996) --
7. The assessment process / Betsy W. Waterman (excepted from National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY) News digest, v. 4, no. 1, 1994) --
8. Methods of gathering assessment information / Betsy W. Waterman (excepted from NICHCY News digest, v. 4, no. 1, 1994) --
9. Primary areas of assessment / Betsy W. Waterman (excepted from NICHCY News digest, v. 4, no. 1, 1994).
Part III. Dyslexia and other academic skills disorders: 10. Facts about dyslexia / bibliography compiled by Marcia Henry, Orton Dyslexia Society (text excerpted from National Institute of Mental Health, NIH Pub. No. 93-3534, April 1993) --
11. Academic interventions for children with dyslexia who have phonological core deficits / Julie A. Frost and Michael J. Emery (ERIC digest, #E539, EDO-EC-95-2, Aug. 1995) --
12. Multisensory approaches to working with dyslexic students (from "Through the barricades : multisensory approaches," Perspectives (Orton Dyslexia Society)) --
13. The alphabetic principle / Isabelle Y. Liberman, Donald Shankweiler, and Alvin M. Liberman (from Phonology and reading disability : solving the reading puzzle, 1989) --
14. Dysgraphia : learning disabilities in writing / Dorathy A. Stracher (undated document distributed by National Center for Learning Disabilities) --
15. Dyspraxia : learning disabilities in movement / Sally Smith (undated document distributed by National Center for Learning Disabilities) --
16. Dyscalculia : learning disabilities in mathematics / C. Christina Wright (undated document written for National Center for Learning Disabilities).
Part IV. Sensory and communication disorders: 17. Background information on developmental speech and language disorders (NIH Pub. No. 88-2757, March 1988) --
18. Update on developmental speech and language disorders (from update published Dec. 1991 of NIH Pub. No. 88-2757) --
19. Prevalence of communication disorders among children in Special Education classes (Communication facts, 1995 ed., American Speech-Language-Hearing Association) --
20. Questions and answers about central auditory processing deficits ("Central auditory processing : what is it?" Parent journal, Spring 1995) --
21. Auditory processing disorder and interventions (undated document, National Center for Learning Disabilities) --
22. Visual processing disorder and interventions (undated document, National Center for Learning Disabilities).
Part V. Other neurological disorders that impede learning: 23. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) / Mary Fowler (NICHCY Briefing paper, rev. ed., Oct. 1994) --
24. The effects of stimulant medication on children with Attention Deficit Disorder / James M. Swanson (excerpts from The effects of stimulant medication on children with Attention Deficit Disorder : a review of reviews, 1992) --
25. Readings and resources on AD/HD / Janet Drill and Barbara Sorenson (ERIC mini-bib, Sept. 1995) --
26. Understanding autism / Uta Frith (from Scientific American, June 1993) --
27. Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) --
(NICHCY Document FS1, July 1995) 28. Antidepressant holds promise for treating autism / Caree Vander Linden (excerpted NIH Record, Aug. 3, 1993).
Part VI. Legal and social information for parents of learning disabled children: 29. Legal rights of children and youth who have learning disabilities (LD) / William Ellis (written for National Center for Learning Disabilities) --
30. How Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act applies to students with LD and AD/HD (undated brochure, Learning Disabilities Association of America) --
31. Definitions under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (NICHCY News digest, v. 3, no. 2, Sept. 1993) --
32. Stress management for the learning disabled (ERIC digest, #E452, 1988)--
33. Building self-esteem ("NCLD tips : building self-esteem," from Their world, National Center for Learning Disabilities) --
34. Throwing the book at them : remedial assistance for LD juvenile offenders / Brian Buchanan (GF Magazine, Gannett Foundation) --
35. Some reflections on vulnerable youth : learning disabilities and substance abuse / John B. Sikorski (in Their world, National Center for Learning Disabilities, 1989).
Part VII. Special information for older students and adults with learning disabilities: 36. Adults with learning disabilities : assessing the problem (NICHCY Briefing paper update, Jan. 1995) --
37. Getting ready for college : advising high school students with learning disabilities / Vickie M. Barr, Rhona C. Hartman, Stephen A. Spillane (HEATH Resource Center/American Council on Education, Pub. no. 92350R, 1995) --
38. The law and its impact on postsecondary education (American Council on Education, 9th ptg 10M/12/95/92947G, 1995)--
39. Educational software and adaptive technology for postsecondary students with learning disabilities (HEATH Resource Center/American Council on Education, Pub. no. 86927R, 1994) --
40. Social skills : the bottom line for adult LD success / Marnell L. Hayes (in Their world, National Center for Learning Disabilities) --
41. Employing persons with learning disabilities : legal implications and management strategies (produced by the Harold McGraw Learning Disabilities Clinic of the International Center for the Disabled, 1992) --
42. National resources for adults with learning disabilities. --
Appendix. Sources of help and information on the Internet.
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