Social interaction and sensitive phases for song learning: a critical review / Douglas A. Nelson --
Social interaction and vocal development in birds / Luis F. Baptista and Sandra L.L. Gaunt --
Building a social agenda for the study of bird song / Meredith J. West, Andrew P. King, and Todd M. Freeberg --
Field observations, experimental design, and the time and place of learning bird songs / Robert B. Payne and Laura L. Payne --
Vocal learning in wild and domesticated zebra finches: signature cues for kin recognition or epiphenomena? / Richard Zann --
What birds with complex social relationships can tell us about vocal learning: vocal sharing in avian groups / Eleanor D. Brown and Susan M. Farabaugh --
Social influences on song acquisition and sharing in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) / Martine Hausberger --
Social influences on the acquisition of human-based codes in parrots and nonhuman primates / Irene Maxine Pepperberg --
Vocal learning in captive bottlenose dolphins: a comparison with humans and nonhuman animals / Brenda McCowan and Diana Reiss --
Vocal learning in cetaceans / Peter L. Tyack and Laela S. Sayigh --
Social influences on vocal development in New World primates / Charles T. Snowdon, A. Margaret Elowson, and Rebecca S. Roush --
Some general features of vocal development in nonhuman primates / Robert M. Seyfarth and Dorothy L. Cheney --
Social influences on vocal learning in human and nonhuman primates / John L. Locke and Catherine Snow --
The resilience of language in humans / Susan Goldin-Meadow --
Reciprocal interactions and the development of communication and language between parents and children / Annick Jouanjean-l'Antoëne --
Crafting activities: building social organization through language in girls' and boys' groups / Marjorie Harness Goodwin.